DAV Multipurpose Public School

The School is Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

Principal Message  

Dear Friends,
Formal education plays a Pivotal role in the Physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral, emotional & social growth of an individual. School is the only place where a child studying with children from different strata of society develops these aspects & grooms his personality by bringing out his immense & unexplored talents & qualities. Nothing is impossible in this world. Keeping this motto in mind, children & teachers of D.A.V. Multipurpose Public School put up their best possible efforts & leave no stone unturned to make impossible (I'm possible). Excellence in every field inspires them; so every next time they come forward with greater vigour & deeper commitment to set up higher goals.It is my privilege to hand you over the copy of news updates of our school which is self explanatory of students rare achievements in different scholastic & non-scholastic activities.The credit of all these accomplishments goes to the consistence, persistence & perseverance of the students & incessant & continual support of our experienced & intelligent teachers. They deserve our admiration & appreciation for their Herculean efforts.It will be ingratitude if we do not extend our heart-felt thanks to our senior officials & LMC under whose guidance moral boost we are marching towards excellence. We are also grateful to the parents for their whole-hearted support & cooperation in the progress of the school. 


Contact Us ↓

DAV Multipurpose Public School
Sector - 15, Sonepat,
HARYANA - 131001
Contact: 0130-2230613, 4021928, 3513110
E-Mail Id: [email protected]
Website: www.davsonepat.org

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