Event Start Date : 09/08/2017 Event End Date 09/08/2017

DAV school hosted a myriad of competitions under the banner of ‘Saksham-2017’ with the patronage of Local Gas agency distributors of Indian Oil Corporation namely, RajenderGoel (Kheriwala Gases), RakeshDahiya (DahiyaGas Services), Rajesh Kumar (Suraj Gas Services, Kharkhoda), KomalMarwaha (Marwaha Gas Services), Ravi Mehra (Arvind Gas Services), Hans Raj (Sonipat Gas services) and the co-ordinator Mr. SubhashVashisht (former Secretary Red Cross).
The two-day campaign included Painting, Slogan Writing and Essay Writing, competitions based on the theme of ‘Clean-India’ compaign. This created awareness among students about their responsibility to make India cleaner. The competitions were held separately for the juniors and Seniors. 90 students participated in Painting, 40 in Slogan writing and 60 in Essay Writing Competitions on the first day of the programme.
The winners were awarded the next day in morning assembly in the presence of the Chief Guest Mr. Vishal Udia (Chief Manager, Karnal Area Office), the Guest of Honour Mrs. GarimaKhare (Assistant Manager- LPG Sales, Panipat) and the co-ordinator Mr. SubhashVashisht. A short workshop on proper handling of LPG was conducted by Ms. GarimaKhare. It was followed by an oath-taking ceremony, again by Ms. Khare in which she insisted students to contribute in making India cleaner place. And thus, achieve the ‘Clean-India’ mission. Dr. VipashaAggarwal, Dr. Rachna Gupta and Dr. Anita Goel played a vital role in judging the different competitions. The Principal, Mr. V.K. Mittal appreciated the efforts of distributors, co-ordinators and judges in making the programme ‘Saksham 2017’ a grand success. He also congratulated the winners.