*Since 2009 maintaining the glorious tradition of success, 8th time our Child Scientists (4th time two teams Jr & Sr) will raise the flag of DAVMPS in 29th National Children Science Congress.*
*In Senior Category the project of Dharvi Dikshit (Team Leader) and Plaksha of IX , "FERTICIDE A SOIL REPLISHNER" , In Junior Category the project of Himank Arora of VI (youngest child scientist of NCSC 2021-22) "MDD Monitoring System for Teens" are selected in Top Sixteen Projects out of 97 projects at state level. Now both the projects will represent Haryana in the Nationals of NCSC to be organised by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India from 1st to 5th February 2022. Our 5 teams participated at district level NCSC, out of which 4 teams, 2 in Senior Category (Dharvi-Plaksha and Tushar-Bhavishya), 2 in Junior Category (Himank Arora and Hiya) were selected for state level NCSC . It is worth mentioning here that in 2016 and 18 projects of our Child Scientists represented India in Intel International Science Fairs in Phoenix Arizona and Pittsburgh, USA respectively.*